Friday, November 30, 2007

Great Expectations

I know it's not Easter, but this is where I am in my Bible reading and the passage jumped out at me. When that happens, God always has some special truth to reveal. Let's try to discover the truth together.

Jesus was cruxified and rose again. Possibly, the most important event ever for mankind. Peter heard the truth and by faith immediately.......

Peter jumped to his feet and ran to the tomb. He stooped to look in and saw a few grave clothes, that's all. He walked away puzzled, shaking his head."

Revelation of truth requires action. "Peter jumped.." It doesn't say Peter got up from where he was sitting when the commercial started on TV. It says he jumped. He jumped from surprise mixed with great anticipation. It is almost like Peter was expecting the unexpected. Isn't that the way God works in our lives. He works His way in our life such that His will and purpose is accomplished and our needs are met abundantly.

Peter "ran to the tomb." God chasers don't wait for a vote. They don't wait for others to lead the way. God chasers seize the moment. It reminds me of the proverbial hurricane chasers. You have seen them on TV. They hear there is likely to be a hurricane in an area or there is an actual sighting. All the conditions are right. They hop in the fastest transportation they have and head for the scene of where the hurricane is expected. They are anxious. They are fearful. They passionately want to be the one that gets the closest to the energy source. They want the best view. A hurricane chaser knows he will never be the same if he can just get close enough to experience first hand the power coming down. Sounds like a God chaser.

Peter "stooped to look and saw". No man comes before the Father upright and proud. When Peter stooped to look, he humbled himself before God. Then with a heart right before God, he saw. You can't see if you don't look with eyes that see. Peter didn't see what everyone expected to see. He saw truth. Jesus Christ had risen.

Having seen the truth, Peter was puzzled. God will reveal truth to you and often it takes time for understanding and wisdom to sink in. God may give instant understanding or God may requires years for you to consider the greatness of His revelation. But, always there is purpose in God's revelation. Revelation requires action.

We all have expectations in life. The Jewish people expected a Savior to come and rule the earth. They expected He would come and be their earthly king. They expected life would be great and their enemies would finally be conquered. About the only thing they got right was that their King was coming. Unfortunately, they didn't recognize Him. Their expectations were not fulfilled, because they were not open to receive the completion of their dreams. They did not have eyes to see.

What 'Great Expectations' do you have that have not been met or have they? Follow Peter's example. Wait, look and listen to what others have to say, but go to Jesus personally. Don't walk. Run to Jesus. If you don't see what you expected, that doesn't mean it's not true. It means change your vantage point. Look at your expectations in a different light from a different angle. Be humble before God. Look at your expectations in God's light. There is truth waiting for you if you have the eyes to see and ears to hear.

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