Sunday, January 20, 2008

Raging Sauls and Desperate Days

Stepping back for just a minute, I have proposed that all of us should pursue an abundant life. We defined abundance as the perfection of God's will and purpose in your life. With abundance as a target, Jesus will be our focus. Acknowledging that we can never appreciate God's abundance without the help of Jesus.

Over the last couple of weeks we talked about the classic children's bible story of David and Goliath. David was asked to take food to his brothers on the front battle lines. When he got there, he was astonished or maybe not, that his brothers and the entire Israelite army was being taunted, bullied and shamed by the Philistines. The Philistines had sent out their champion bully, Goliath. He was challenging the Israelites to send out their best and "winner take all". Every one was cowering back unwilling to take on Goliath. They amassed their total battle force and prepared to take on the giants. Enter David.

David grabbed 5 stones. 1 for Goliath and 4 for Goliath's brothers. He ran to the giant. Told him he was about to die. Maybe Goliath was laughing and threw his head back. David flung a stone, hitting his exposed forehead. Goliath goes down. David takes Goliath's sword and cuts off his head. He takes his head as proof and puts his armor in his tent. Where was David's focus as he raced down the hill to fight Goliath. Was he focused on Goliath or was he focused on God? This is so key to living a victorious life. We can not have victory while focused on the problem. We must focus on Jesus and let God work through us and others to create the abundance we so desperately crave and need!

When facing your giant, pick the absolute worse possible outcome and take it before the Father. Say, "God this situation is impossible. Unless you choose to step in I will be destroyed." Then, claim God's Word in your prayer. Shift your focus from the problem and focus on Jesus. Maybe pray, God you have said that if I pray anything in your will, you will answer my prayer. Claim the Word of God in your prayer. God is not a liar. So pray, God please save me from destruction and provide the abundant life you have promised me. Then be still and wait for the "peace that surpasses all understanding". Really! It works! Do it!

This brings us to today's story: the aftermath of David whipping the biggest baddest bully in the world as they knew it.

David is received in Saul's household because of his heroic deeds. His father has lost his #1 sheep herder. David and Jonathan immediately bond and Jonathan is totally committed to David. Out of tremendous love for David, Jonathan does a seemingly nonsense thing. He makes a covenant and transfers his right to the throne to David. Every task David is given by Saul, he does well and everyone loves him.

It would be great if the story ended here and everyone lived happily ever after. But it is only the beginning. In my life's struggles, God has been faithful. I have experienced abundance, but it's not the end. It is always the beginning of the next struggle God will use to bring me to the place of full abundance. This includes obedience and God's perfection of His will and purpose in my life. A full life with Christ just keeps getting deeper and better. The struggles are what drive me to where God can do His best work.

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